Why Offer SiD on your Website?
Most Secure Instant EFT Solution
SiD remains unmatched by any other EFT solution in the market, with over 10 years of security advancements built into our payment system.
We Guarantee Your Funds
Funds received are paid into your bank account in real time. We provide an instant payment guarantee of up to R5,000 per transaction.
Highest Approval Rate In SA
Our long-established solution and proven track record makes SiD the prefered EFT payment method in South Africa, with the highest approval rate.
Pay From Any PC or Mobile Device
SiD Features
With SiD you business can grow by reaching the widest market of online and mobile shoppers. You’ll reach the widest market of online and mobile shoppers, at the lowest cost, with the least amount of risk.
Redirect integration is the standard method used by most SiD merchants, whereby the customer is directed to a SiD payment page and then returned back to the merchant’s website once the payment is complete.
The Payment Link feature allows you to generate a unique SiD payment hyperlink, which you can send to your customer in an invoice or in an email.
Instant EFT with SiD
Join the Best
The SiD Secure EFT payment method is trusted by hundreds of South African e-commerce businesses of all sizes. These are just a few of our valued clients. Join their ranks today.
Get SiD On Your Website
If you’d like to receive SiD payments on your company website, please complete your details below and we’ll get back to you shortly: